Nyamira County has received drugs and commodities worth Kes 29.2 million procured from the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) to be distributed to various health facilities in the devolved unit.

During Wednesday's flagging off, Governor Amos Nyaribo said the devolved unit procured drugs and commodities worth Kes 38.8 million and KEMSA to be supplied in batches.

Nyaribo revealed that traders in various chemists have taken advantage of the shortage.

 “During that short period, they have been exploiting vulnerable patients by charging them exorbitant prices for drugs and other medical commodities required for them to receive service in their chemists”

“Health centres and dispensaries in the county will receive drugs worth Kes 11.6 million while Nyamira Referral hospital and sub-county hospitals will receive drugs worth Kes 17.6 million,” he said.

Nyaribo hinted that he will be sending a bill to the County assembly so that monies generated from the sale of drugs will be re-invested in the Drugs Revolving Funds (DRF) kitty.

He added that the move will ensure the fund is used to readily purchase drugs and supply them to patients at subsidized prizes affordable to all levels of clients seeking services in all the 144 health facilities.

Executive Committee Member for Health (CECM) Dr. Donald Mogoi promised to ensure that the drugs are utilized efficiently so that people can benefit from accessing affordable healthcare services.

“KEMSA has supplied Nyamira County with drugs and medical care commodities three consecutive times and we appreciate their timely service “said the CECM.