Defence CS Aden Duale has urged Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to support the fight against Muguka.

Speaking in Eastleigh at the launch of a business facility, the CS said that Gachagua had led an efficient campaign against the consumption of illicit alcohol and narcotics and that his input on controlling Muguka use is required.

PHOTO | COURTESY Defence CS Aden Duale

"If we are fighting alcohol in Central Kenya, Rift Valley and every part of Kenya we must also fight Muguka," said Duale.

"I will ask the Deputy President in the next two weeks to call [for] that conference because he is the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya and we candidly discuss the effects of Muguka on certain regions and communities."

The ban on the stimulant was initially proclaimed by Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir, who highlighted the drug's widespread use on the Coast, notably among school-aged children.

Kilifi Governor Gideon Mung'aro immediately banned the entrance, transportation, distribution, and sale of Mũgũka in the county.

PHOTO | COURTESY Defence CS Aden Duale

In Kwale, a similar prohibition has been enforced, along with introducing new charges that will go into effect this week.

Three northeastern counties, Wajir, Garissa, and Mandera, have hinted at joining the coastal counties in enforcing the ban.

The Embu High Court has temporarily suspended executive orders prohibiting the sale, distribution, and consumption of muguka in Mombasa, Kilifi, and Taita Taveta Counties.

"That pending interpartes hearing and determination of this application a conservatory order be and is hereby granted restraining and/or stopping the Respondents and or its agents from effecting, implementing and or enforcing Executive Order No. 1 issued on 22nd May 2024 by the 1st Respondent and 2nd and 3rd Respondents to last until the 8th July 2024 when the application shall be heard interpartes. The application will be served upon the respondents within seven days from today," Njuguna ruled.