Police officers in Emuhaya, Vihiga County, have arrested two suspects accused of robbing long haul trucks.

According to Emuhaya Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Chuck Musau, sheaves of stolen wheat were discovered in the suspects' homes.

“They have a habit of hanging on to the trucks before breaking into the moving vehicles. The two have just been released from prison recently,” said Musau

PHOTO | COURTESY police car 

He stated that the targeted trucks travel on the Luanda-Busia route.

“The thieves take advantage of the poor state of the road between Mapacha and Ebuyangu. They then break the padlocks before making away with goods,” he added.

Nearly a tonne of wheat was wasted on the road when the suspects got entry to the mobile truck.

Police said they discovered the stolen wheat stashed beneath the bed. They also recovered a claw bar that they suspect was used to break the padlocks.