The Office of the Spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has announced that 1,200 reformed addicts are set to graduate from rehabilitation centers countrywide.

Pastor Doracs revealed that the cohort includes more than 207 who have been rehabilitated in Bomet County and another group of 66 from Mombasa County.

Speaking in Chemose Nandi County during a church service at the Full Gospel Church, she said that more than 400 others are in two rehabilitation facilities in Embu and Meru counties.

Further, she lauded the men who voluntarily joined the rehabilitation facilities.

“We shall graduate 1,200 who have undergone inpatient rehabilitation among them are 207 rehabilitated in Bomet, and 66 in Mombasa among others.”

Pastor Dorcas called upon the clergy to open up their places of worship for the rehabilitation and empowerment of those addicted to alcoholism drug and substance abuse.

Nandi County leaders, led by Deputy Governor Dr. Yulita Mitei, pledged to join Pastor Dorcas in the journey to restore the boychild.

 “We need fathers to be present, and become role models to our boys, and this is one reason why we are experiencing some of the problems we have.” said DG Dr. Mitei.