The Migori County administration has launched an exercise to remove all employees with fake academic papers.

The purging follows a staff audit report that found that 93 county government workers had either fraudulent primary or secondary certifications.

PHOTO | COURTESY Migori county to fire employees with fake certificates

Migori County Secretary Osca Olima acknowledged that the 93 workers who used bogus credentials had previously received a show cause notice and that they should come before the Public Services Board.

Olima also stated that the college diplomas of 197 other staff members are doubtful and that the certificates are being reviewed further before action is taken.

The County Secretary stated that anyone is found guilty of forgery would face legal consequences.

According to a source, several department heads in the Migori county administration will be impacted by the cleanse.

PHOTO | COURTESY Migori county to fire employees with fake certificates

Silvance Araja, the secretary of the Migori County government workers union, said the union leadership is aware of the purge, and some of its members who allegedly hold fake academic papers have received letters.

Araja stated that the impacted individuals would appear before the county public services board to defend their papers.