During an interview conducted in Nyeri and aired on Citizen TV, an elderly man sparked mixed reactions from Kenyans on social media. He shared his perspectives on the upcoming 2024/2025 budget, which will be presented by the National Treasury on Thursday.

The elderly man emphasized the need for the government to prioritize critical sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, and education.

“The government should consider increasing funds to agriculture and hospitals,” he stated. “Schools are also facing challenges with food as learners don't eat and learning materials.”

In a pointed advice to Members of Parliament, the old man specifically mentioned Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba. He praised her for her strong stance on various issues, declaring, “She is the only ‘man’ among the MPs. The rest should put on dresses and go back home.”

This statement has sparked reactions regarding the effectiveness and accountability of the current legislators. Many Kenyans have complained about inadequate representation by their MPs, accusing them of prioritizing their own interests over those of their constituents.

The man's words come at a critical time as the nation braces for the announcement of the new budget. With concerns about the potential impact of the Finance Bill 2024, his call for increased funding to essential sectors and greater accountability among MPs resonates with many who are anxious about their future. The Finance Bill 2024, which is set to be deliberated by Parliament, has faced significant opposition from a section of the Kenyan public, who fear its potentially devastating effects on their daily lives.