Kakamega County Senator Dr. Boni Khalwale appears to disagree with President William Ruto's plan to increase taxes on Kenyans to achieve his vision more quickly.

Speaking on Sunday, the outspoken senator suggested that Ruto should avoid imposing higher taxes on Kenyans to fulfill his campaign promises of economic transformation within his first term in office. Instead, Khalwale, who seems to oppose the proposed Finance Bill 2024, urged President Ruto to extend his timeframe and reduce the tax burden on Kenyans to achieve his goals without causing public discontent.

"This country is not running away. If you wanted to build a project in three years and it is forcing you to taxing more, there is no problem in spreading project in 5 years so that you tax less." Khalwale said

The lawmaker emphasized that the legislative body must now carefully consider the proposals made for amending the Finance Bill before lawmakers pass it. He expressed optimism that the National Assembly would address the issue in the coming days, giving Kenyans hope for a resolution.

"Members of the National Assembly must listen to proposal being made for the purposes of amending the Finance Bill. I am confident that next week the parliament is going to unlock this."

He also urged the 13 members of parliament from Kakamega County to set aside party lines and political considerations during the debate days, and instead, defend the interests of their constituents and all Kenyans.