Mbagathi Hospital has received additional advanced medical equipment and facilities from Nairobi County government to enhance medical service delivery for residents.

The equipment includes a biochemistry analyzer that measures various chemicals and characteristics in biological samples, such as blood and urine, boosting the hospital’s diagnostic capabilities within the 47 counties.

Speaking when he unveiled the newly refurbished Mbagathi Hospital, Sakaja highlighted the significant transformation the hospital has undergone in recent months.

“Recently, the facility has undergone significant upgrades, enhancing its capacity to provide comprehensive medical care,” Sakaja reiterated.

 County Executive Committee Member for Health Susan Silantoi confirmed that the hospital has also acquired a platelet agitator, which is essential for storing and maintaining platelets and for blood clotting.

 She said proper storage ensures the viability and effectiveness of platelets for transfusion.

“This means that we shall not be sourcing these services from other national hospitals; we can get this in this county facility,” Silantoi stated.

Facilities launched include a CT scan unit, a Critical Care Unit (CCU), a dental unit, a complete oxygen piping system, a maternity theatre, a refurbished renal unit, a neuro-trauma unit, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services, and a postnatal ward.

The recent upgrades at Mbagathi Hospital underscore the institution’s commitment to improving Nairobi residents' healthcare services, reflecting a significant milestone in the city’s healthcare provision.