President William Ruto's Finance Bill 2024 on  Thursday evening sailed through the second reading amid nationwide demonstrations against the proposed levies  in the bill.

The Bill sailed through after 204 Members of parliament voted in its favor  while 115 legislators voted against it.

While announcing the results, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula  said the Finance 2024 Bill will now come up again before the entire House on Tuesday next week.

During this stage, amendments to the Bill will be introduced, and the House will vote on each clause.

Following this, the Bill will undergo a Third Reading, where the House will take a final vote to either approve or reject it.

If there are disagreements on the Bill or any proposed amendments, it will be referred to a mediation committee.

The committee will work to develop a version of the Bill that the House can consider and vote on.

The House will then debate and vote on the mediated version of the Bill.