The mother of 24-year-old Rex Kanyike Masai, who was fatally shot by a rogue police officer during the 'occupy parliament' protests on Thursday, claims that officers could have rushed her son to the hospital before he bled out but instead chose to let him bleed to death.

Jilian Munyau, who spoke to the media outside City Mortuary, explained that she learned of her son's shooting at 7 p.m. and that by the time she reached Nairobi's central business district, her son had died from injuries.

PHOTO | COURTESY   Rex Kanyike Masai

"Nilipigiwa simu saa moja jioni nikaambiwa Rex ameshootiwa kwa mguu, in the left thigh na walimpeleka to a nearest clinic apo Archives inaitwa Bliss. Nikifika town sikupata yuko hai. His friend ndiye alinipigia akitumia simu ya Rex akaniambia walikuwa wametoka kazini wakienda town," said Jilian.

According to Jilian, Rex and his companion were on their way home when police fired teargas canisters to disperse the demonstrators, forcing everyone to flee for safety. One cop, however, was caught firing directly into the crowd.

"Wakisimama hapo karibu na archives, (polisi) wakatupa teargas. Ile direction alikimbilia ndio alishootiwa. Wenzake ilibidi wakimbie sababu walikuwa wanakimbilia maisha yao," she said.

When the smoke cleared, Rex's buddy came to check on him, only to discover that he was wounded and bleeding out. He hurriedly sought assistance from a stranger to get Rex to the hospital.

PHOTO | COURTESY Rex and his mother during happy times

While doing so, Rex's companion and a bystander saw police and requested assistance, but the lads in blue coldly declined.

"After polisi kutoka, rafiki mmoja akarudi nyuma kuangalia Rex ako aje akapata amebleed kabisa,akaita mpita njia. Mpita njia akamsaidia so wakaona polisi nearby; wakawaambia wawasaidie na ambulance ama usaidizi wowote wampeleke hospitali juu bado alikuwa hai. Polisi wakasema wacha (Rex) akufe huko na wakaendelea na safari yao," the grieving mother lamented.


 Rex later died from heavy bleeding. According to reports, he tried to seek medical treatment for more than 20 minutes before being brought to Bliss Medical Centre on Moi Avenue, where he was pronounced dead.

Rex's father, on his part, expressed shock at his son's killing, saying: "It was so shocking to hear the news. I was in town yesterday and the demos were so peaceful."

"Kuchukua his body was a problem because the police claimed iilikua chini ya serikali. The process delayed up to around 12 am when his body was brought to City Mortuary."