Comedian Eric was arrested during a protest outside Parliament against the Finance Bill 2024. He had earlier experienced the loss of his brother Fred in an accident today but still showed up on Parliament Road to participate in the protest against the finance bill.

Eric and other demonstrators expressed their rejection of the proposed legislation they deemed harmful. Meanwhile, nationwide protests against the Finance Bill occurred yesterday in various regions.

Eric participated in a small protest in front of Parliament, vocally opposing the bill.

During Eric's demonstration, authorities intervened and subsequently arrested him. The Finance Bill has garnered widespread criticism for its potential negative impact on the public. Protesters are deeply concerned about how this legislation could affect people's lives and finances.

Eric's arrest has added a new dimension to the ongoing debate surrounding the controversial bill. While specific details about the arrest or any charges against Eric have not been disclosed by authorities, the incident is expected to fuel discussions about the right to protest and individual involvement in significant national matters.

Following yesterday's widespread anti-Finance bill protests and Eric's subsequent arrest, the country is now abuzz with debates and conversations about the importance of speaking out against laws that affect society, particularly during periods of economic uncertainty.