Kenyans have voiced their discontent with Members of Parliament (MPs) who backed the controversial Finance Bill 2024. The bill has sparked widespread criticism, and over the weekend, supporters of these MPs faced severe backlash, being booed and forcibly ejected from public functions.

The Finance Bill, widely seen as burdensome and unjust, has sparked protests nationwide. Public outrage is especially directed at MPs who supported the bill, as they are perceived to be prioritizing government revenue over the well-being of ordinary citizens. This sentiment was evident at recent public gatherings, where MPs and their supporters faced intense opposition and backlash.

Tensions reached a boiling point during a community event in Nairobi, where supporters of a pro-bill MP faced hostility. "We can't stand by and let these leaders impose unfair taxes on us," shouted one protester. The situation escalated to the extent that security had to intervene to ensure the safety of those targeted.

In response, the youth movement known as Generation Z (Gen Z) has announced plans to occupy churches nationwide. This bold action is scheduled for tomorrow, with organizers aiming to use these religious spaces to voice their grievances. The protests seek to highlight the disconnect between the political elite and the general populace, particularly the younger generation, who feel marginalized by current policies.

President William Ruto is scheduled to attend a church service in Nyahururu, where Gen Z leaders have announced that their presence will be noticeable.

"We want our leaders to see and hear us in spaces they consider sanctuaries," said a spokesperson for the movement. "Our message is clear: we need policies that reflect the needs of the people, not just the interests of a select few."

As the nation braces for these planned occupations, the government faces a critical juncture. The escalating protests highlight a broader demand for accountability and transparency from political leaders. The administration's response to these calls for change will likely shape Kenya's political landscape in the coming months.