Murang’a County government has halted services at Kenneth Matiba Eye and Dental Hospital in Kenol town for two weeks to relocate the facility to newly constructed premises.

The county government issued a public notice advising patients to seek medical services from Maragua Level 4 and Murang’a Level 5 hospitals between June 24 and July 7.

The hospital, currently hosted on rented premises, will be relocated in the next two weeks to a new building in the Makenji area along Kenol – Thika road, a few kilometers from the current location.

The new health facility was constructed on land the county government acquired from a fruit-growing and processing Delmonte company.

Governor Irungu Kang’ata’s administration took the initiative to construct the new hospital building, which saved the county funds it used to pay rent.

Kang’ata revealed on a past occasion that the county administration was paying a rent amounting to Sh. 1 million for the hospital, which is currently housed in a four-story building.

He said priority was given to constructing a new building in the Makenji area of Kandara sub county to host the health facility, which treats eye and dental issues.

The Kenneth Matiba Hospital was established by former Governor Mwangi wa Iria in 2016 and operates in a rental building.

The hospital located along Thika-Nyeri has been very helpful to patients seeking specialized treatment for eye and dental complications.

After Delmonte Company gave out more than 140 acres of land to the county administration a year ago, Kang’ata said part of the land will be used to construct a level 5 hospital, serving people from counties within the southern part of the county.

He said the newly constructed building will first be used to host the eye and dental hospital as the county government embarks on expanding the facility to a level 5 hospital.

Subcounties that lie in the southern part of Murang’a include Maragua, Kandara, Gatanga, Kigumo, and Ithanga.