The Kenya National Union of Nurses and Midwives (KNUN) is set to provide free medical care to all the anti-Finance Bill 2024 demonstrators in the country who may be injured.

KNUN Secretary General Seth Panyako said the volunteer services are consistent with Kenyan law, which states that every citizen has the right to medical care.

"We hereby request our members to join other health workers and volunteers to provide first aid to our citizens in the event of fatalities (sic) during the peaceful demonstrations," he said.

Further, KNUN demanded that the government provide security for protesters who will take to the streets for the fifth day on Tuesday to challenge the Finance Bill 2024.

While the government has stated that protests will be allowed in the country, Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has issued guidelines for their implementation.

During the protests, protesters will be denied access to critical infrastructure or assets, primarily against the draconian Bill, which pundits portend will burden citizens with additional taxes.

"They must not obstruct, block, vandalise or otherwise destroy any private or public property. Must adhere to the laws of Kenya including the Protected Areas Act that limits access to certain critical infrastructure for national security reasons. Must not access critical infrastructure for the supply of power or other amenities," he said.