Azimio La Umoja, One Kenya Members of Parliament, have withdrawn their amendments to the Finance Bill 2024.

According to the Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi, the decision was made after extensive discussions following a Parliamentary Group meeting.

Speaking at a press conference on Monday evening, the Azimio Coalition asked its members who submitted amendments to the bill to withdraw immediately.

Further, Opiyo condemned the kidnappings of Generation Z members suspected of participating in the protests and demanded their immediate and unconditional release.

The protests, which began last week in response to a new round of taxes at a time when Kenyans are struggling with rising living costs, are expected to continue into the second week.

The largest protest has been planned for Tuesday, when MPs are expected to vote on the bill, which sailed through the second reading on Thursday.

The Generation Z-led protests continued on the fourth day of the "Rage Programme," with demonstrators from Nairobi staging peaceful demonstrations in the city.

The protestors vowed to maintain their resolve to push for the rejection of the Finance Bill and other changes in the country's governance.