The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has detained Tanathi Water Works Development Agency (TAWWDA)Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fredrick Mwamati on allegations of involvement in a Sh292.7 million procurement fraud case.

He was apprehended on Monday over accusations of conflict of interest and is implicated in the misappropriation of public funds through fraudulent tender awards to companies connected to him.

“The Commission initiated investigations in 2022 following a complaint alleging that senior officials of Tanathi Water Works Development Agency misappropriated Kes.292,770,465 through fraudulent tender processes awarded to connected companies.”

One instance highlighted involves the awarding of a contract for the Kinanie Leather Industrial Park Water Supply Project Phases II & III to Perma Structural Engineering Company Ltd during the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years, allegedly linked to senior TAWWDA officials.

The Commission has issued a directive for eight other suspects currently evading arrest to surrender themselves at the EACC headquarters by Wednesday.

The wanted individuals include Francis Siva, David Otieno Mwango, Duncan Mulandi Mutambuki, Eric Muendo Ng’alu, Dickson Mugambi, Peter Muange Kimuyu, and Joseph Mutua Muange, who is listed as a director of Perma Structural Engineering.