CS Moses Kuria has criticized Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua's claim that the deadly demonstrations over the Finance Bill 2024 could have been avoided if the president had been informed of the public outrage it caused.

Following President William Ruto's announcement on Wednesday that he would not sign the controversial Bill due to rising public pressure, Gachagua delivered a separate televised address condemning the National Intelligence Service (NIS) for failing to do their jobs.


He described President Ruto's last-minute move to recall the Bill as 'embarrassing' for the government and even encouraged NIS Director-General Noordin Haji to step down.

“Ruto deserves better, he deserves a DG who knows what he is doing, who is effective and can analyse situations to keep the government informed,” Gachagua said from Mombasa.

The CS has accused Gachagua of lying, claiming that the DP is a member of the Kenya Kwanza team lobbying for the new law.

“The Committee meeting that endorsed the original Finance Bill which included VAT for milk and bread was chaired by the Deputy President. What a lying, dishonourable man!” the minister wrote on X on Wednesday night.

President Ruto did not consent to the draft bill and instead returned it to Parliament with objections, suggesting the deletion of all sections.

The Bill recommended higher taxes as Ruto's administration aimed to generate an additional Ksh.346.7 billion in income for the 2024/25 budget.

PHOTO | COURTESY Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua

Peaceful youth-led protests against it, however, have turned deadly, with police firing live bullets and tear gas canisters at demonstrators.

The Kenya National Commission for Human Rights reported 22 deaths, over 300 injuries, and 50 arrests.

Despite Ruto's statement that he would not agree to the 2024 Finance Bill, several protestors on social media stated they were still planning to demonstrate on Thursday in solidarity with those slain by police.