Two people have been arrested, among them a police officer, in the possesion of 29 kilograms of elephant tusks worth Kes 29 million during a crackdown in Longonot, Naivasha.

According to a police report, the arrests followed a tip-off that some people were engaging in illegal trade within the area.

“In a joint operation between the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and police, police have said that the duo, Omare Mungare Dismas, a police constable (pc) attached to Utheri wa Lari police station in Naivasha sub-county, and Otuke Denis Okinde were arrested with 20 pieces of elephant tusks weighing a total of 29 Kgs with an estimated street value of Kes 2.9 million.”

“The said team of KWS joined up with Police officers from Naivasha and travelled to Longonot Gorvernor area and on arrival at where the business was going on, two suspects were arrested with twenty pieces weighing 29 Kgs with a street value of 2.9million.”

Police said the arrested policeman was attached to Utheri Wa Lari police station in Naivasha. The second suspect was a civilian who is said to have been the cargo owner.

They were detained at the Naivasha police cells pending arraignment on Monday, July 1, 2024.

Police said the suspects will be charged with being in Possession of Wildlife Trophies of Endangered Species, Contrary to Section 92(4) of the Wildlife Conservation Management Act 2013.

Officials said that up to eight elephants had been killed, and there is a likelihood the incidents happened in the nearby parks.