Kapsaret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi has announced taking two years sabbatical leave from Harambees and active politics.

Speaking on X, he said he supports President William Ruto’s move to ban Harambees given the miniature thinking of the majority of people that the contributed funds are proceeds of corruption.

Sudi spoke while responding to Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale, who questioned where he obtained Kes 20 million to dish out during a church fundraising function weeks ago.

He threatened to quit politics, saying his sabbatical leave would allow him to reflect on whether he should continue with Harambees in a bid to uplift communities.

This came even as President Ruto, during a televised interview yesterday, assured that Harambee culture needs to be banned, lamenting that it had morphed into an activity of showing opulence to the electorate.

“We need to change the culture of Harambee. It started as a noble exercise it supported many people to go to school but I think it has stretched too far. We must stop harambees because it is breeding corruption,” he said.