Seven people have died after mine walls collapsed, burying them alive at Lumba Village Rarieda sub-county on Tuesday morning.

Four others are receiving treatment at Bondo sub-county hospital in the incident that occurred at 11 am at Kasweto goldmines in North Ramba sub-location.

Confirming the incident, Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo said the four survivors were in critical condition.

Rarieda Sub County Deputy County Commissioner Kennedy Lunalo said the miners went against directives that outlawed mining in the region following heavy rains.

Lunalo said that it has been challenging for the administration to ensure that the directive to cease mining is adhered to since most homesteads in the area have their mining shafts.

However, he said that they will continue cautioning artisanal miners in the area to avoid dangerous mines to avoid similar tragedies in the future.

“We intend to traverse the sub county to warn our artisanal miners that the mines are dangerous. There was a similar incident a few months ago where we lost two lives not very far from today’s incident. We have to act to stop the loss of lives,” Lunalo said.

The seven bodies have since been retrieved and taken to the Bondo sub-county hospital mortuary.