Social activist Hanifa Adan has criticized Health CS Nakumicha following a statement she made on X. Hanifa disagrees with Nakhumicha's claim that none of the admitted patients have been asked for payment. Ms. Hanifa clarified that many people at KNH are complaining about not receiving surgery and being in pain.

Hanifa further stated that KNH refused to allow patients to be transferred to other hospitals and instead engaged in politics. According to Hanifa, no one cared until Frank’s story was aired on Citizen TV, after which the hospital waived the bills.

"You had kitty funds, I requested you don’t charge them but you still follow people with bills at home!!!! Usilete politics hapa wewe. Have some shame. You do not care," stated Hanifa.

Below is a statement that CS Nakhumicha posted:

"My attention has been drawn to efforts by some individuals to raise funds from the public to pay hospital bills for persons injured during the demonstrations.

Out of the total 294 casualties attended to in our Refferal Hospitals, 235 have been treated for various degrees of injuries and discharged and non has been asked for payment. 58 are still admitted with 1 in ICU, 3 waiting for theatre.

We wish them quick recovery," posted CS Nakumicha.

"Wewe mama, KNH waived the bills after you guys were aired here and I mentioned that. There are so many people in KNH complaining up to now that they haven’t received surgery yet and are in pain. We transferred 5 people from KNH to Nairobi West and they’re doing well. KNH refused for people to be transferred after that and started politics. Mind you, these people did not care and when Frank’s story aired on citizen, it’s when they waived the bills. You had kitty funds, I requested you don’t charge them but you still follow people with bills at home!!!! Usilete politics hapa wewe. Have some shame. You do not care. If you’re in public hospital and they’re bothering you please reach out to me and we will take care of you. Have some shame and don’t politicize this.

Btw when I first visited KNH they sent out memos after that for people not to be come visit without special orders.

Mind you they’re refusing to transfer people and I’m having a hard time helping them Kabisa!!!"

There’s a street kid there who needs a breathing apparatus and KNH is not looking after him and doesn’t let others do it too!!! This woman is playing politics with people’s lives !!! Get Kevin a breathing apparatus!!! He’s at ward 5D!!" stated Hanifa.