Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has publicly called on President William Ruto to dissolve and completely reconstitute the Cabinet.

Speaking during a Senate session on Wednesday, July 3, Khalwale highlighted the need to restructure the government to tackle Kenya's current challenges more effectively.

In his address, Khalwale criticized including non-constitutionally mandated positions, such as the Prime Cabinet Secretary, a role currently held by CS Musalia Mudavadi. He advocated for a more streamlined and effective governance system that better reflects the country's needs and economic conditions. "Mr President, dissolve and reconstitute the Cabinet. Disband offices like the Prime Cabinet Secretary that are not constitutionally mandated in Kenya', Bony Khalwale.

His call comes amidst heightened public debate and protests over government spending and efficiency. President Ruto recently announced austerity measures, including freezing funding for the offices of the First Lady and Deputy President's spouse, and halting the appointment of Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS). Khalwale's plea for cabinet overhaul underscores growing calls within Kenya's political circles for reforms aimed at enhancing governmental accountability and responsiveness to citizens' concerns.