Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has accused top politicians of being behind the movement wanting to overthrow the president.

He says the 'Ruto must go!' slogan did not originate from Generation Z protestors.

While appearing during Citizen TV's JKLive show, the CS said that the phrase was created by opposition leaders and politicians opposed to President William Ruto's leadership.

He accused Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Jubilee Party Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, and outspoken lawyer Miguna Miguna among those who created the anti-Ruto slogan, which has also gone viral on social media.

“Ruto must go slogan is not a Gen Z slogan… it is Kalonzo Musyoka, it is Kioni, it is Miguna. It is a traditional cabal group of people who are not Gen Zs, who have not recovered and who cannot wait for 2027,” he said.

“Those are words coming from those who should occupy their places in the opposition, traditional people who never voted for Ruto, and we respect their views but Ruto is the President today.” he added.

Duale said that the people he mentioned are determined to remove the President in the hopes of replacing him prematurely before his term expires, knowing they would be unable to defeat him in normal presidential elections in 2027.

He asserted that the aforementioned figures are betting on the possibility that Azimio la Umoja One Kenya chairman Raila Odinga will become African Union Commission Chairperson, creating a gap for them in opposition.

“They even feel that since Baba is going to AU, they don’t have a chance in 2027 and in their wildest dreams, they feel there is a shortcut to change William Ruto. The Constitution 2010 does not envisage that, you cannot even tell an MCA that he must go,” Duale stated.