A section of MauMau road -Kamahindu Matimbei in Lari sub-county, Kiambu County, has been closed temporarily to construct concrete pavement along the route.

The 500-meter permanent concrete pavement will take two months to complete the construction works.

It is designed to withstand road traffic and weathering actions while ensuring comfortable and safe riding conditions, low costs, and environmental damage.

Lari MP Joseph Mburu Kahangara has advised motorists to use the Kagwe Girls Road to join the Matimbei—Githunguri road near the Gituraini junction.

The area MP said the ‘Fixing Our Roads Campaign` in the Lari constituency aimed to smoothen road transport and open up drainage systems.

He noted that bush clearing, upgrading, graveling, and compaction of the two main roads in the Kambaa location are currently ongoing at the Kambaa-Bathi-Nyamweru-Githirioni, a 10-kilometer road, and the Kambaa-Kwa Hosana-Makimei-Kimuti-ini-Kamahindu, a 7-kilometer road strip.

“These two main roads will open up the whole of Kambaa location benefiting over 8000 residents and it will ease movements to and from Kambaa as well as connect the area with Kirenga and Nyanduma wards.”

Further, he said that he is committed to ensuring that all areas in his constituency are well connected to a good transport network and drainage system.