The government has announced that it expects the number of foreign tourist arrivals in Kenya to reach 3 million in 2024, an increase from the 2 million posted in 2023.

In a statement, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary (CS) Alfred Mutua said the increase means more money for the country and many new jobs, especially for our youths, and business growth.

The tourism and wildlife sector is one of Kenya's largest foreign exchange earners and employers, with 80 percent of the employees being youth.

He said the tourism sector is experiencing high bookings with only a few cancellations, mainly for events due to recent protests over the high cost of living.

“The tourism sector contributed about 353 billion shillings to the Kenyan economy. This year has been on an upward trend, moving the country closer to its tourism target of earning 5.4 billion dollars per year in the next few years,” Mutua said.

He said that tourism is a leisure industry that depends on a sense of security and predictability, calling for an end to protests that have been going on since a controversial Finance Bill was introduced in parliament on June 18.

“We are lucky that we have not seen a major dent or cancellation as a result of what has been happening,” Mutua said.

“However, if the unsettledness continues, it will have a negative impact on the sector, leading to a reduction in our earnings, possibility of loss of jobs and freezing of new opportunities especially, to graduates aiming to join the tourism and wildlife sectors for their livelihood.”