Most Kenyans were unable to access President William Ruto's Space conversation aimed at engaging the youth on crucial national issues. The discussion started an hour late, with Ruto thanking Gen Z for focusing on substantive matters rather than politics.

Shortly after it began, the Space experienced technical difficulties, including audio issues. Background conversations were heard as Ruto checked with his staff to see if he could be heard. Despite three attempts to host the Space through his official X account, the issues persisted.

Meanwhile, many Kenyans joined a parallel Space hosted by influencer Osama Otero, also titled 'Engage the President,' co-hosted by State House spokesperson Hussein Mohamed. An hour later, Ruto joined Otero's Space as a listener and took the opportunity to address Kenyans.

"I apologize for the last hour; we faced technical difficulties," Ruto said. He defended himself against accusations of being out of touch, emphasizing he relies on credible information from relevant authorities.

"I have the benefit of more information. I can't operate on unverified numbers. I mentioned that 25 Kenyans died in protests, while others irresponsibly claimed up to 100 deaths and a massacre in Githurai, which was not true," Ruto stated.