Rice farmers in mwea are coming up with new ways to scare away rats, which are causing havoc and destroying their yields in the rice fields.

The farmers believe that the rodent infestation poses a significant threat to rice output in the region.

 John Munene and Pius Njogu from the Thiba section say that they have resorted to burning candles at night in the rice paddies to frighten away the invading creatures.

They are asking the government to intervene to solve the threat to their livelihood.

PHOTO | COURTESY rice fields

According to John Munene, rice producers are prepared for a dismal harvest following an earlier snail invasion and are combating rodents.

“It is the second year since rats invaded the scheme and over five years since snails invaded Mwea scheme. Who will now help Mwea farmers?” Munene asked.

According to Pius Njogu, the rats multiply quickly, causing restless nights for rice growers.

“It is very cold and we are spending all our energies to fight rats. Who will help us?” Njogu paused.