Chief Government Pathologist Dr. Johansen Oduor has concluded autopsies on the six bodies recovered from the kware dumping site in Embakasi South.

According to his findings, none of the victims from the site had bullet wounds. He stated that their results indicated that some individuals were missing lower limbs, and others had incisions in the lumbar area (lower back), the majority of which were dismembered.

PHOTO | COURTESY Chief Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor.

"The contents of some of them were lower limbs which were amputated from the knees downwards and they were two right legs and two left legs," he said.

"There was also a whole body of a female who we examined and we found that she had head injuries."

He further stated that other bodies had deep head injuries and that the individuals were presumed to have died from serious hemorrhage.

Dr. Oduor explained that the majority of the process is accurately identifying the dismembered parts, assembling them, and determining the cause of death.

However, nobody had any bullet wounds, raising concerns that some of the bodies may have belonged to people killed during the anti-government rallies that began a month ago.

According to the DCI, 13 badly mutilated female body parts in various states of decomposition were retrieved from the Kware dump site between July 11 and July 15, 2024.

PHOTO | COURTESY Chief Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor

The body pieces are in Nairobi Funeral Home, previously City Mortuary, where at least two of them have been recognized by their relatives.

Collins Jumaisi Khalusha, 33, the key suspect in the killings, was caught on July 15 after the DCI stated that a phone trace led to his arrest.

The DCI stated that Khalusha confessed to killing 42 women in 2022, but a surprising turn of events occurred when he told the court that he was tortured into confession.