Convicted Sirisia MP John Waluke's recent comments have ignited a firestorm of controversy and support following his bold stance against Gen Z protests in Kenya. In a candid declaration, Waluke asserted, "These Gen Zs are criminals, and we support President Ruto in stopping these protests because lives are being lost and property destroyed."

The MP's statement, which resonated with concerns over public safety and property damage during recent protests, underscores a growing divide between the government and youth demonstrators demanding societal change.


Waluke further emphasized the importance of funding through the Finance Bill, highlighting its crucial role in sustaining the nation's operations.

"Everyone in Kenya has to pay taxes," he stressed, pointing to the bill's significance in ensuring fiscal stability and governance.

Drawing a comparison to neighboring Uganda, where President Museveni recently issued a stern warning against youth protests, Waluke urged President Ruto to adopt a similar hardline approach. "We want Ruto to be like that," he affirmed, signaling a call for stringent measures to quell unrest and maintain order.

His remarks have stirred mixed reactions online, with some endorsing his tough stance on law and order, while others criticize what they perceive as a dismissal of legitimate grievances driving youth activism.

John Waluke, known for his outspoken views, has previously championed agricultural reforms and economic policies aimed at rural development in Kenya. His recent comments add a new dimension to the ongoing debate surrounding youth activism and governmental responses to public dissent.