Off the coast of New Hampshire, anglers had an unexpected encounter when a humpback whale breached and landed on their boat, causing it to capsize.

In a dramatic video, several fishing boats can be seen floating on the water when suddenly a whale emerges from the depths, launching itself into the air and crashing down on the back of one of the boats. The impact tipped the vessel over, sending the two people on board into the water as the whale disappeared beneath the surface.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard Station, the incident occurred on Tuesday morning. Fortunately, no one on the boat was injured, nor was the whale harmed. The Coast Guard issued an alert to nearby mariners, and a good Samaritan responded, rescuing the two individuals from the water.

The boat itself was also salvaged; video footage shows it being righted and towed by another vessel. The whale appeared to be feeding at the time, with its mouth wide open as it breached—likely attracted by a large concentration of bait fish in the area, given the presence of multiple fishing boats.

This incident is just one of several humpback whale sightings off the coasts of New Hampshire and Maine this month. Those involved in the close encounter now have an unforgettable story to tell.