Kirinyaga residents are still in shock after the body of a 37-year-old boda boda operator, Joseph Machira, was found dead in his rental house on Monday night.

Landlord Kamau Muchira, also the chairman of the Counselling and Psychological Association's Kirinyaga branch, reported that neighbors discovered Machira's body hanging from the roof after noticing a foul smell spreading through the compound. Muchira immediately informed Robert, the chief of the Tebere location.

The alarming rise in suicide cases has deeply troubled Muchira. "It's heartbreaking to see a seemingly happy man take such a drastic step. I wish he had reached out to me for counseling," he said.

The incident shocked the local women, led by Lucy Wamvui, who voiced their concerns about the increasing number of men committing suicide. "Men are leaving us widows, and we are left to wonder why this is happening," Wamvui lamented.

Phillip Njogu, chairman of the boda boda association, mentioned that Machira had left a suicide note. "We often talked to him at the Ngurubani matatu stage where he worked," Njogu said.

Machira's body was transported to Kerugoya mortuary. The community is urging residents to seek healthy ways to address their problems and avoid resorting to suicide and self-harm.