Interior Cabinet nominee Kithure Kindiki recently addressed his silence during the protests, explaining that his role is primarily focused on issuing policy directives. He emphasized that his responsibilities, as outlined in Article 245 of the Constitution, limit him from making daily comments, as the events were mainly operational issues.

Kindiki clarified that the Cabinet Secretary for Interior's role involves providing policy directions and guidance to the relevant organs, particularly the police force, which operates under independent command. "The reason I did not speak out daily is that the matters in question were mainly operational," he said. "The Cabinet Secretary for Interior, as per the Constitution, gives policy directions to the organs within the ministry, especially regarding the police.

The police force is under independent command, with only a few individuals authorized to issue commands: the Inspector General of Police, the Cabinet Secretary for Interior on policy matters, and the Director of Public Prosecutions concerning criminal investigations."

He further explained that operational issues are managed by the commanders of the National Police Service (NPS), not by the minister. "Therefore, the minister does not give operational commands," he added.

During the demonstrations, the former Cabinet Secretary remained largely silent but issued directives on one occasion, advising protesters not to interfere with non-protesters or cause chaos.

He emphasized that while Kenyans have the right to demonstrate, this right is subject to legal limitations. Kindiki stressed that protesters must remain peaceful and unarmed during their activities.