Environment and Sanitation nominee Aden Duale has a net worth of Kes 980 million compared to Kes 851 million when he assumed office as Defence Cabinet Secretary in October 2022.

Appearing before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments for vetting chaired by Speaker Moses Wetangula on Friday, he said that his wealth had been amassed through the appreciation of assets, properties, and rental income.

“I have pieces of land both in Garissa and Nairobi, My house in Nairobi, my house in Garissa, my Cattle ranch in Garissa, my rental property in Nairobi and Garissa, my shares in family-owned businesses, my Camels and cattle, and motor vehicles.”

“Lastly, I got good revenue from the book sales of my Autobiography which is one of the best selling books today,” Duale said.

When tasked to explain the over Kes 129 million margin revenue growth in less than two years, Duale revealed that the properties he owns including livestock have increased in folds during the 21 months he was in the Defence docket.

“Both for land investment and land interest increased between 12 and 15 percent. That’s growth will come to Kes 140 million. We had good rains so my livestock grew in numbers,” he told MPs.