Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has stated that President William Ruto will be held accountable if ODM Leader Raila Odinga's entry into the government causes any issues. Speaking on Sunday, Gachagua emphasized that Raila should not be blamed as he did not invite himself into the government.

"I want to make this clear: even if Raila causes problems, we cannot question him because he did not bring himself into the government," Gachagua said. "If anything negative arises from Raila's inclusion and the people of Mt. Kenya are unhappy, we will hold President William Ruto responsible because he is the one who brought Raila in."

However, Gachagua mentioned that President Ruto had explained his decision to collaborate with Raila, assuring him that the move was not intended to create chaos in the government. According to Gachagua, Ruto's intention was to foster cooperation between the Executive and the Opposition.

"I believe that because I have not seen any signs of trouble," Gachagua added. He acknowledged Raila's support for the 'one man, one shilling, one vote' mantra, considering him an ally and a good man. "Anyone who supports this principle is not an enemy of the people of Mt. Kenya but someone who wants the best for us," he said.

Gachagua noted that former President Uhuru Kenyatta had described Raila as a good man, a sentiment that President Ruto has also affirmed. "Uhuru Kenyatta told us Raila is a good man, and President Ruto says the same. Understanding this, I have not opposed him because anyone who supports the 'one man, one vote, one shilling' principle is not an enemy," the DP said.

In June 2024, Raila, after meeting with the organisers of the Limuru III meeting led by Jeremiah Kioni, reaffirmed his support for the model. He pointed out that the model's essence had been misunderstood by many Kenyans.

"One of the main points discussed during the Limuru deliberations was resource sharing. This issue has been misrepresented as if it discriminates against parts of our country," Raila said. He emphasized that the model aims to ensure a fair distribution of resources among all Kenyans. "We want every Kenyan to receive a fair share of resources. It is not right that some children receive more bursary funds than others in different parts of the country," Raila stated.