Public Service Cabinet Secretary nominee and former Attorney General Justin Muturi has admitted that the Public Service Commission cannot absorb interns who undergo their training due to available opportunities.

When he appeared before the National Assembly Committee on Appointment, Muturi said the focus needed was to find solutions through policies and regulations to provide a conducive environment for job opportunities for the youth.

“It may not be possible for PSC to employ every Kenyan that goes through their training. We need to have policy and program that make it possible for them to be absorb in the market.”

Once approved, the Former National Assembly Speaker promised robust engagement with PSC to seek intervention to ease the pressure on high unemployment.

“We have to engage properly with PSC because people are all over and we need to take focus on job training. People wanted to remain in the sector and it’s a mistake that needs to be addressed.”

On the succession plan within the public workforce, Muturi averred he will prioritize job training in all public sectors and streamline the exiting of the aging workforce to make room for the youth.

“You find some senior people in the public service who are almost exiting, while the people who deputize them are lowly placed; that is a mistake. The issue of on-the-job training seems to have taken a back seat,” he said.