The Chief of the Defence Forces (CDF), General Charles Kahariri, has hosted United Kingdom Army Commander (CGS) General Sir Roland Walker at the Defence Headquarters in Nairobi.

In a report outlining the meeting details, Kenya Defense Forces (KDF)stated that the two discussed Kenya-UK bilateral cooperation in security, with a key focus on counter-terrorism efforts.

“Gen Kahariri noted that Kenya and the United Kingdom (UK) share long-standing relations and have partnered extensively in the areas of defence, security, and counter-terrorism.”

“He also underscored the value of the cooperation, resulting in capacity building for KDF through military activities and programmes,” read the report.

The report indicated that the Kenya-UK cooperation includes joint training and exercises, the trilateral construction of a Counter-Insurgency, Terrorism, and Stability Operations (CITSO) training center between Kenya, the UK, and the US, and the development of the Kenya Navy Marines.

Further, it said that General Walker pledged continued cooperation in enhancing the Kenya Defence Forces' (KDF) capacity to boost KDF's contribution to regional peace, security, and stability owing to her position as an anchor State in the region.

The Vice Chief of Defence Forces (VCDF) Lt. Gen John Omenda, Kenya Airforce Commander Maj. Gen Fatma Ahmed, Chief of Operations at the Defence Headquarters, Chief of Personnel at the Defence Headquarters, and Chief of Logistics at the Defence Headquarters were also present during the talks.

Gen Sir Walker was accorded a half guard mounted by the Kenya Air Force.