Traders at Toi Market suffered significant losses after a devastating fire that killed four people. They will receive much-needed assistance in construction materials and food items.

The fire ravaged a large market section on Saturday, leaving many traders with heavy losses.

Sarangombe Ward MCA Lawrence Otieno announced that the victims will benefit from generous donations from prominent leaders, including former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna, and Kibra MP Peter Orero.

PHOTO | COURTESY Toi market 

"This is the fourth time this market has been burned, and this time it was particularly painful as we lost four people," said Otieno.

He detailed the contributions: Raila Odinga donated Ksh.1.5 million, Sifuna contributed Ksh.250,000, and business operators have decided to use the funds to purchase additional iron sheets. "Raila also gave us 1,000 iron sheets, Orero provided 200, and there’s another batch of 1,000 at the Deputy County Commissioner’s office. Additionally, we have food supplies to assist the affected traders."

Otieno invited well-wishers to support the recovery efforts, noting discussions with the Governor, who promised further donations. He also addressed concerns about land disputes, acknowledging that land grabbers are attempting to take over the market space. "The court ruled in favor of the traders, affirming that this land belongs to the county government," Otieno emphasized.

Brian, one of the affected traders, criticized the county government's delayed response. "The fire engine arrived around 6 a.m. when half the market was already ablaze. The second truck from the Department of Defence arrived at 7 a.m.," he said. Brian believes the damage could have been minimized with a quicker response and accessible water.

The affected traders have begun rebuilding their stalls, hoping to resume business soon. Tragically, four people, two unidentified, lost their lives in the early morning inferno. Families of the deceased are now making burial arrangements.