The British American Tobacco Kenya reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 54 percent in its scope 1 and 2 last year.

According to the company’s 2023 Sustainability Report, the reduction is within the 2030 target of a 50 percent emission cut.

The Report focused on sustainability performance, including sustained progress in emissions reduction, water stewardship, gender diversity, and pay equity.

BAT Kenya Managing Director, Crispin Achola said the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions was accelerated by the decarbonisation strategy, including a Kes 145 million investment in solar energy between 2021 and 2022, bringing current onsite generated electricity to a 1,400-kilowatt peak.

“As part of efforts to combat climate change and drive excellence in environmental management, BAT Kenya saw a 54 percent reduction in its scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2023, seven years ahead of its 2030 target to reduce these emissions by 50 percent (Vs 2020 baseline).”

The company also achieved a 62.5 percent reduction in water withdrawn, surpassing a 35 percent reduction target by 2025.

The report also revealed that the firm surpassed set targets in gender mainstreaming, reporting 47 percent representation of women in senior leadership roles, against a 45 percent target by 2025, with women across various job grades recording an increase in base salaries.

“The achievement of multiple sustainability targets ahead of set timelines is testament to our commitment to create shared value for our stakeholders. I am especially proud of our performance in the areas of diversity, inclusion and equity, socio-economic development and climate change.”