Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has pleaded not guilty to all charges tabled against her by the Meru County Assembly hearing before the Senate Plenary begins.

Lawyers Elisha Ongoya, Elias Mutuma, Frida Kimathi, and Robert Mutembei, among others, are presenting the governor.

She is accused of grossly violating the Constitution of Kenya, grossly violating various national and county laws, and abusing office.

Further, in her third impeachment hearing, the governor is accused of illegally revoking Virginia Miriti's appointment as Secretary of the Meru County Public Service Board without a vote of not less than 75% of all the members of the County Assembly and usurping the powers of the County Assembly contrary to sections 58(4) & (5) and 59A of the County Governments Act.

Similarly, the governor is accused of engaging in gross misconduct by deliberately misleading the public by giving false information that Kes 86 million had been raised through the Paybill number 247247 Account Number 04001 6391 7899 established after the murder of Daniel Muthiani alias Sniper.

Meru MCA’s argued that only Kes 286,516.00 was raised, violating the moral and ethical requirements expected of State Officers, contrary to section 19 of the Public Officer Ethics Act and section 29 of the Leadership and Integrity Act.

Mwangaza is accused of irregularly paying emergency call allowances to 161 doctors and medical officers using the wrong rates, leading to an excessive payment of Sh 74.3 million, contrary to sections 45 (2) and 46 of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act, sections 11 and 15 of the Public Officer Ethics Act, and section 72 (1) of the Leadership and Integrity Act.

Further, she is accused of failing to appoint the Meru County Revenue Board Chairpersons, Meru Microfinance Corporation, Meru Youth Service Board, and Meru County Investment and Development Corporation Board as required.

Mwangaza is accused of refusing to implement the recommendations of the County Assembly requiring the Governor to dismiss the County Secretary, Dr. Kiambi Thambura, and the Chief of Staff, Harrison Mbithi, from office for gross violation of the Constitution and other laws.

Mwangaza is also facing charges of blatantly ignoring or failing to submit a report to the County Assembly on the implementation of the said recommendations within sixty (60) days as required in the Report of the County Assembly dated 23rd December 2023, contrary to Article 183(3) of the Constitution.

The Governor is accused of illegally dismissing Dr Ntoiti (CEO of County Revenue Board), Paul Mwaki (CEO of the Liquor Board), Kenneth Kimathi Mbae (Managing Director of Meru Microfinance Corporation), and Joseph Kithure Mberia (CEO of MEWASS).