On Monday night in Ngurubani, Mwea, Kirinyaga County, tensions flared during the recovery of a 25-year-old man's body from a local dam.

Kelvin Gitonga had drowned the previous Sunday while attempting to swim across a National Irrigation Authority dam to win a Ksh.300 bet.

PHOTO | COURTESY Man swimming in a river 

The recovery operation, led by local diver Danson Murango from Difathas village, saw the man's body retrieved around 6 p.m. after a full day of searching.

The community provided Murango and his team of six divers with over Ksh.30,000 to aid in the retrieval.

PHOTO | COURTESY People standing next to a river 

However, chaos erupted when Murango was robbed of his share of the money. After distributing the funds to his assisting divers, Murango was attacked and had his remaining money stolen by a group of youths. This incident occurred as police were taking away the recovered body.

Residents from Ngurubani and Kamucege pursued the robbers but were unsuccessful in recovering the stolen funds. The robbery has been reported to the Wanguru police station, and an investigation is underway.