Senate Speaker Amason Kingi has officially gazetted the Senate’s resolution to impeach Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza, citing gross misconduct, abuse of office, and gross violation of the Constitution.

This is after the Senate upheld Mwangaza’s impeachment by the Meru County assembly after two unsuccessful bids by the County Assembly on Tuesday.

 “It is notified for the information of the general public: THAT pursuant to Article 181 of the Constitution and section 33 of the County Governments Act (Cap. 265) on Thursday, 8th August 2024, the County Assembly of Meru approved a Motion to remove from office, by impeachment. Hon. Kawira Mwangaza, the Governor of Meru County,” read the gazette notice in part.

Senators voted to send her home based on three charges in which she was found guilty, becoming the third Governor to be removed from office by impeachment after Kiambu’s Ferdinand Waititu and Nairobi’s Mike Sonko in 2020.

“The senators, having voted to uphold the charges against the Meru governor, Governor Kawira Mwangaza ceases to hold office,” ruled Kingi.

According to Section 33(7) of the County Government Act, a governor ceases to hold office if most of the Senate members uphold any of the impeachment charges.

This came shortly after the High Court had barred Senate Speaker Amason Kingi from declaring a vacancy in the position of Meru County Governor until an urgent petition is determined.

Justice Bahati Mwamuye directed that the matter be mentioned on September 17 to confirm compliance and to determine a priority date for highlighting written submissions, which both parties must have submitted by September 13.