President William Ruto has appointed selection panels to recruit new chairpersons and members for four key constitutional commissions and independent offices in Kenya.

This move comes as the current six-year non-renewable terms of the State officers leading these bodies approach their conclusion.

The four commissions affected are the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ), also known as the Office of the Ombudsman, the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), and the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA).

PHOTO | COURTESY President Ruto

According to a statement from Felix Koskei, Head of Public Service, the Selection Panels have been established in accordance with statutory requirements, incorporating representatives from professional bodies, institutions, and State Offices that contribute to the recruitment process for these commissions and offices.

Koskei also encouraged Kenyan citizens to apply for the Chairperson roles and be members of the respective commissions. Additionally, the public is invited to submit memoranda concerning the suitability of the shortlisted candidates.

The composition of the Selection Panels for each body is as follows:

**Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC):**

- FCS Joshua Wambua (APSEA)

- FCPA Patrick Mtange (ICPAK)

- Monica Sifuna (KIPPRA)

- CHRP Quresha Abdullahi (IHRM)

- Amos Gathecha (State Department for Public Service)

- Mary Kimonye (Executive Office of the President)

- Lawrence Kibet (National Treasury & Economic Planning)

- Samuel Kaumba (Office of the Attorney General)

**Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ):**

- FCPA Edwin Makori (APSEA)

- Zena Atetwe Jalenga (National Council for Persons with Disabilities)

- Jasper Mbiuki (Executive Office of the President)

- Susan Chelagat (Office of the Attorney General)

- Amb. Patrick Wamoto (PSC)

- Joan A. Machayo (PSC)

**National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC):**

- Arch. Florence Nyole (APSEA)

- Timothy Odongo (Kenya Private Sector Alliance)

- Lerina Kariringah (National Council for Persons with Disabilities)

- Dr. Linda Musumba (Executive Office of the President)

- Janet Kung'u (Office of the Attorney General)

- Maimuna A. Mwidau (Ministry of Gender, Culture, The Arts & Heritage)

- Dr. Reuben K. Chirchir (PSC)

- Dr. Mary Mwiandi (PSC)

**Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA):**

- Arthur Osiya (Executive Office of the President)

- Rtd. Justice Msagha Mbogholi (JSC)

- Dr. Joyce Nyabuti (PSC)

- Dr. Monica Wanjiru Muiru (EACC)

- Dr. Raymond Nyeris (KNCHR)

- Caroline Naikena Lentupuru (NGEC)