Jubilee Holdings has declared an interim dividend payout of Kes 2 per share after its net profit increased to Kes2.5 billion in the half year ended June 30, 2024, compared to Kes 2 billion posted in a similar period in 2023.

Jubilee Holdings Limited Chairman Zul Abdul attributed the growth to strong sales, claims control, and technology in the life and health segments.

“As we move forward, we will continue to capitalize on our solid financial foundation and broaden our product offerings to maintain this positive trajectory.”

“We are confident that Jubilee Holdings is well-positioned to conclude the year on a high note, further enhancing shareholder value and solidifying our leadership in the industry.”

Similarly, Jubilee’s balance sheet expanded from Kes 191 billion to Kes 202 billion in the review period.

“The Asset Management business has also shown significant expansion, with the introduction of new products and branches, pushing retail Assets Under Management (AUM) to the Kes 4 billion mark.”