The Kenyan government has announced a nationwide inspection of development projects amid concerns over the relaunch of abandoned "ghost" projects.

According to Andrew Teyie, Communications Director at the National Government Coordination Secretariat (NGCS), the inspection, set to take place from September 10 to September 14, 2024, will be overseen by the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and the Interior Ministry.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi

The inspection will start in the Eastern and Coast regions before expanding to North Eastern, Nairobi, Central, Rift Valley, Nyanza, and Western regions. It aims to assess the progress of key government projects, address challenges, and improve service delivery across the country.

The projects under review are the Kenya Leather Industrial Park in Machakos County, the expansion of cotton production through BT cotton seeds in various regions, and the construction of 200,000 affordable housing units annually.

The inspection will also cover the establishment of county aggregation and industrial parks, including Lunga Lunga in Kwale County, completing special economic zones in Athi River and Dongo Kundu, and constructing 6,000 kilometers of roads.

PHOTO | COURTESY  Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi

Additional projects include expanding Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions, completing the Bachuma Livestock Export Zone, developing ports, and implementing the Galana-Kulalu Food Security Project in Kilifi.

However, the initiative has sparked public criticism, especially from activist Morara Kebaso, who has been vocal about abandoned projects and alleged misuse of taxpayer money.

Critics are also questioning the need for further inspection spending and the anticipated outcomes of the government’s efforts.