The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has warned school principals and urged them to adhere to safety regulations in their institutions strictly.

In a circular dated September 13, 2024, TSC CEO Nancy Macharia expressed concern that some school heads have neglected to follow the Safety Standards Manual for Schools, a critical policy safeguarding student welfare.


This directive aligns with the Code of Regulations for Teachers and the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Macharia noted that confident school leaders have shown laxity in enforcing compliance with government-issued circulars. She emphasized that all school heads must implement the provisions of these manuals and directives without fail.

They are also tasked with increasing student supervision to address any instances of indiscipline or unrest promptly.


“The Commission will take strict disciplinary action against those who fail to comply with the guidelines outlined in the Manual, as per the Code of Regulations for Teachers and the Code of Conduct and Ethics," said Macharia.

In addition, she urged principals to collaborate with law enforcement to investigate cases of arson and indiscipline and recommend appropriate administrative and legal measures.

School heads must coordinate with Ministry of Education field officers and National Government Administration Officers to maintain school safety standards.

“To achieve this, you, along with Deputy Heads and Senior Masters responsible for boarding programs, must remain vigilant and present in schools at all times to guarantee the safety of learners," Macharia added.

This directive follows a tragic dormitory fire at Endarasha Hillside Academy that recently claimed the lives of 21 male students. Investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing.