Parents of students at Katoloni High School in Machakos County collected their children on Sunday following a Saturday night fire that destroyed a boys' dormitory.

Margaret Mwirigi, the County TSC Director, stated that the dormitory housed 193 students, and the fire consumed beds and personal belongings. Fortunately, no students were harmed in the 9 p.m. incident as they were in class for their evening studies.

Some students, affected by trauma and shock, were taken to Machakos Level 5 Hospital for treatment and counseling. Mwirigi appealed to well-wishers for support and noted that the school board is in discussions with the Ministry of Education to determine the next steps.

She clarified that the school has not been closed, and students were only picked up for counseling. They are expected to return by Tuesday to resume learning. Mwirigi assured parents that investigations are ongoing and those responsible for the fire will be held accountable.