Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has announced plans to file a lawsuit to halt the Kenyan government’s $1.3 billion concession agreement with India’s Adani Group.

The deal involves constructing power transmission lines and expanding Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), Kenya’s busiest airport.


Speaking at a church service in Kajiado, Kalonzo raised concerns about the deal’s secrecy, suggesting that it primarily benefits a few government officials rather than Kenyan taxpayers.

He highlighted the lack of transparency, stating that the government’s refusal to publicize the deal’s documents raises questions about honesty and accountability.

According to him, this opacity has left many Kenyans, including himself, apprehensive about the deal’s potential impact.

PHOTO | COURTESY Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka

Kalonzo also warned that the Adani concession could lead to significant financial losses for Kenya, claiming that billions of shillings could be lost. At the same time, only a select few individuals stand to gain. He indicated his intention to take legal action on Monday to block the deal’s implementation.

In addition to challenging the Adani agreement, Kalonzo called on the Ministry of Education to reevaluate the newly introduced university funding model, which he believes could restrict access to higher education for many students.

He noted that the model has caused confusion and could deny deserving students the opportunity to attend university.


Kalonzo’s opposition adds to the mounting criticism against the government’s deals with the Adani Group, with various leaders demanding greater transparency and public involvement in decision-making.

The outcome of this legal battle could have significant implications for Kenya’s energy and education sectors, potentially reshaping future government agreements.