An elderly man has died after he was struck by lightning while walking home in Kwa village in Kwa ward, Kuria West.

According to eyewitnesses, the man had finished his shift as a night guard when he was caught in heavy rains and struck by lightning.

"At first, some residents didn't realise who it was on the road, but later they realised it was a guard who worked at a homestead in the area as he had a rungu,” Morisson Ogutu, a resident, said.

Simon Adagala, a boda boda operator at Namba stage, said the man failed to take cover during the rains.

"We had taken shelter at nearby houses, but the man kept walking fast hoping to reach his destination," he said.

The body was taken to Migori County Referral Hospital.

Residents urged the government to educate locals on safety measures during heavy rains.