Mysterious death of Sospeter Onyango Osungo, widely known as "Billionaire Akoko," a 23-year-old Kirinyaga University student famed for his lavish lifestyle left Kenyans shocked. Akoko was killed in a violent incident outside a club in Kibera on Sunday night.
Witnesses reported that prior to the tragedy, Akoko had offered to buy drinks for patrons at a local bar before heading to a nearby venue hosting a live Ohangla performance. However, tensions arose when bodaboda riders accused him of being disrespectful after he allegedly made offensive remarks. The situation escalated as the crowd labeled him a thief, culminating in a brutal attack. Akoko was assaulted with pangas and knives, sustaining seven stab wounds to his back and stomach.
Two of Akoko's companions were also injured in the attack but managed to escape with help from bystanders. Their driver fled the scene in Akoko’s Audi Q3, which is now in police custody. Authorities have recorded statements from five witnesses, including Akoko’s distraught mother, as investigations continue. The suspects are facing murder charges.
Akoko's death bears striking similarities to the tragic fate of Dennis Bright, another young “billionaire.” Both incidents have reignited conversations about the dangers of sudden wealth and the societal pressure to achieve success overnight.