In an exclusive interview, Kibet Bull revealed that after being freed by his captors, he found himself attending what he described as a “Disco Matanga,” a lively and somewhat unconventional celebration typically held to mark the end of mourning ceremonies. According to Kibet, the event continued well into the early hours of the morning, lasting until 6 AM.

Kibet Bull, a prominent local figure, has broken his silence following his dramatic release in Vihiga County after being abducted for several days. The mysterious incident left his family, friends, and supporters in shock, sparking widespread concern across the region. Upon his release, Kibet shared an unexpected account of his ordeal, which has since drawn significant public attention.

“The event was nothing like I expected after such a traumatic experience. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or upset, I was taken to a party-like setting where music, dancing, and people celebrating life took precedence. It was a ‘Disco Matanga’ like no other,” Kibet explained, still trying to come to terms with the whirlwind events of the past week.

The term “Disco Matanga” is a local phrase used to describe a mix of a traditional mourning ceremony and a lively social gathering where people dance and celebrate life. It is typically held in some parts of the country to commemorate the deceased, but Kibet’s description suggested a more celebratory atmosphere that left him both amused and bewildered.

While he appreciated the gesture of support and the attempt to lighten the mood, Kibet noted that the experience felt surreal. "I was trying to process my release and the overwhelming emotions, but here I was, dancing the night away."

As for the details of his abduction, Kibet remained tight-lipped, emphasizing that he was still trying to process the experience. Authorities continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding his disappearance, but for now, Kibet Bull seems determined to find joy in the unexpected moments following his release.